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话题已关闭并存档。 如果需要帮助请提出新问题。

All addons disabled for being unsupported

  • 22 个回答
  • 10 人有此问题
  • 1 次查看
  • 最后回复者为 rosawood

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Suddenly while browsing, I got a bar notification saying that some of my addons had been disabled because they were unsupported. Clicking the button took me to a page that showed no addons, but linked to a page for Legacy Addons in which I found 25 of my addons (That's literally all but 2) have been marked as "not verified for use in Firefox" and disabled, despite literally all of them working mere seconds again and a large majority of them being obtained directly from Mozilla's official addon website! Firefox didn't even receive an update or anything, they just all randomly got flagged out of nowhere for no reason. Why are all of my addons suddenly marked as unverified and disabled, and how can I enable them all again?

(The uploaded image doesn't seem to be showing in the support thread, so here's a direct link https://puu.sh/Dnxlm/b471b782d7.PNG )

Suddenly while browsing, I got a bar notification saying that some of my addons had been disabled because they were unsupported. Clicking the button took me to a page that showed no addons, but linked to a page for Legacy Addons in which I found 25 of my addons (That's literally all but 2) have been marked as "not verified for use in Firefox" and disabled, despite literally all of them working mere seconds again and a large majority of them being obtained directly from Mozilla's official addon website! Firefox didn't even receive an update or anything, they just all randomly got flagged out of nowhere for no reason. Why are all of my addons suddenly marked as unverified and disabled, and how can I enable them all again? (The uploaded image doesn't seem to be showing in the support thread, so here's a direct link https://puu.sh/Dnxlm/b471b782d7.PNG )



Mozilla has rolled-out a fix for this. The fix will be automatically applied in the background within the next few hours, you don’t need to take active steps.

In order to be able to provide this fix on short notice, they are using the Studies system. You can check if you have studies enabled

  1. Go to [=] > Options > Privacy & Security.
  2. Make sure Allow Firefox to install and run studies is check marked.

I you had it disabled, you can disable studies again after your add-ons have been re-enabled.

They are working on a general fix that doesn't need to rely on this and will keep you updated.

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所有回复 (2)

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cor-el said

You can run this code (copied from the hotfix) in the Browser Console to install the intermediate certificate. You can verify success in the Certificate Manager (Authorities tab) under Mozilla Corporation: signingca1.addons.mozilla.org
try {
  let intermediate = "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";
  let certDB = Cc["@mozilla.org/security/x509certdb;1"].getService(Ci.nsIX509CertDB);
  certDB.addCertFromBase64(intermediate, "", "");
  console.log("new intermediate certificate added");
} catch (e) {
  console.error("failed to add new intermediate certificate:", e);

I'm not quite sure how to do this. After my computer sitting all morning, I still don't have my add-ons, even though I changed my settings to allow studies, so I thought I'd try this. I opened the web developer page, got a split screen with some code, but couldn't figure out how to run the code for the intermediate certificate.


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I guess the studies just ran, because suddenly, within minutes of my previous post, I have all my add-ons back. Thank you!

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