Thanks for updating your Firefox! This latest version comes with the following features to help you find what you're looking for faster.
Access top-ranked sites based on Alexa data (for new users only)
If you have not yet synced Firefox with other devices, it will suggest five of the top-ranked sites for your country.
These sites will eventually be replaced by your most recently and frequently visited sites as you continue to use Firefox. You can also delete a top site by long-pressing on it, then choosing
from the menu that pops up.Get to websites faster with URL autocomplete
Visit popular websites quickly. When you start entering a popular web address, Firefox will automatically complete it for you. If there are several possible addresses for the website you are typing, Firefox will suggest possible domains.
Easier access to your history and bookmarks with menu shortcuts
In addition to being on the home screen, the Firefox menu now has shortcuts to Bookmarks and History so you can get to your favorite websites faster.
Heyo! Nice to see you again. This brand new version of Firefox comes with the following goodies to make your browsing experience even better.
Prevent spoofing by removing icons in the address bar
Ever get fooled into thinking that a website is secure because you trust the website icon in the URL bar? Well, never again! We’ve removed the website icon so websites can no longer pretend to be secure or legit when they’re not (sneaky!)
Ability to turn web fonts off to use less data
Some websites use fonts that are not already installed on your device. These fonts are downloaded while the page loads. While these fonts may look nice, they can eat up your data or slow down your browsing. Firefox for Android gives you the option to turn these web fonts off or on.
歡迎來到另一個嶄新的 Firefox 版本。此次更新包含以下功能,讓您的瀏覽更自由、簡便。
- 1 Access top-ranked sites based on Alexa data (for new users only)
- 2 Get to websites faster with URL autocomplete
- 3 Easier access to your history and bookmarks with menu shortcuts
- 4 Prevent spoofing by removing icons in the address bar
- 5 Ability to turn web fonts off to use less data
- 6 你的行動書籤面板現在有了閱讀清單
- 7 在你長按選擇文字的附近出現浮動選單
- 8 改進聲音與影片播放
- 9 網站的推播功能
- 10 設定 Firefox 成為你的預設瀏覽器
- 11 所有已同步裝置的分頁,現在位於瀏覽紀錄面板
Firefox 將儲存你的閱讀清單文章和書籤放在同一個地方,以節省你寶貴的時間。當你在閱讀模式紀錄一個網頁存為書籤時,Firefox 將自動為你在行動書籤中建立一個智慧目錄稱為 閱讀清單。
交給 Android 系統的影音服務器 (Android Audio Media Services) 處理影音
當你正在 Firefox 中聆聽音樂或觀看影片時,若突然有通電話打進來,我們將自動暫停播放音樂或影片,且當你結束通話後,會在剛才暫停的地方繼續播放。不用再為來電中斷而煩惱影音播放控制了。
不想再錯過你最愛的網頁嗎?設定推播通知,你就可以在網頁更新時收到通知喔。當你第一次造訪一個網頁,Firefox 會問你是否設定通知。你可以隨時改變心意,只需輕按網址列上的鎖頭圖示,然後點選 編輯網站設定。
設定 Firefox 成為你的預設瀏覽器
,然後輕觸 。所有已同步裝置的分頁,現在位於瀏覽紀錄面板
Firefox 讓多個同步裝置之間造訪分頁變得更輕鬆。點選瀏覽紀錄面板,就會看到