Thunderbird cannot full shut down, i need to manually shut down, than it will start the next time,
It say Thunderbird is already running, but is not responding. to open a new window, you must fist close the existing Thunderbird process or restart your system
All Replies (9)
When you exit Thunderbird, there is a short period when background processes need to complete. So do not switch off the computer too soon.
For some reason, it sounds like this process did not complete.
Thunderbird is possibly still running in the background. check this out using this info to invoke the Task Manager: http://kb.mozillazine.org/Kill_application
If there is still a problem, Thunderbird is closed but still will not open. When you open Thunderbird, a parent.lock file is created and this prevents thunderbird from running more than once instance. When you exit Thunderbird, one of the background processes is to delete this file.
I would guess that if Thunderbird has closed but will not open then parent.lock file is still present in the Profile Folder.
Make hidden files visible:
Locate Profile Folders.
In Windows they are usually here: C:\Users\Windows user name\AppData\Roaming\Thunderbird\Profiles\Profile name\
Locate and delete the parent.lock file then start Thunderbird.
yes, you are right on my questions.
however, i tried and deleted the parent.lock file,
however, on the next opening it is the same issue. see attached file
So to confirm - you did exactly this: You opened Task Manager, saw mozilla thunderbird was running and forced Thunderbird to close. then you waited for it to fully close, so it was not running in Task Manager.
Then you tried to Start Thunderbird and got silly message.
You rechecked that Mozilla Thunderbird was definately not running in Task Manager. It was not running. As it was not running you went into TB Profile folder and deleted the parent.lock file.
However, If you deleted the parent.lock file and then checked in Task Manager to stop a running Thunderbird, you could have been deleting a file from a running TB, which would not have saved any settings, so the parent.lock would have reappeared.
Do you have more than one profile, there could be a parent.lock in the other Profile? Close Firefox browser and Thunderbird...making sure neither are running in Task Manager. Then run a search on the computer (include hidden files) for parent.lock files to see if there are other instances of Thunderbird profile folder with a parent .lock file. This file is auto regenerated when you restart Thunderbird.
If you still have problems after terminating the application process, then restart the computer.
what verion of Thunderbird are you using? the current version is 31.1.2
Hi my current version is 31.1.2
let me explain the process again. 1. I start thunderbird for the first time. no problem 2. i close the thunderbird. no problem 3. i restart the thunderbird. there is a problem. the warning i send you. there is another thunderbird running at the back, which mean the first one was not close properly. 4. so I go to task manager and select thunderbird and end process. 5. than I am able to restart the thunderbird.
the question is why I need to go to task manager to END PROCESS each time.
What anti virus are you using?
G data internet security
Could you take a look at this link: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Thunderbird:Testing:Shutdown_Hang
Some of the listed checks you will have done, but please read through and check all the items listed.
Yes, i have read it before, but I am not sure what action i need to take.
can you please guide me
First test Thunderbird Safe mode: In Thunderbird Help > Restart with addons disabled
This should close Thunderbird and auto restart.
did Thunderbird auto restart ok?
If yes, then one of the addons /extensions is causing a conflict. You would need to test for the problem addon by restarting again in normal mode and disabling all but one extension and retesting Close TB, wait a few moments and restart. Gradually enabling each addon until it fails to close properly, then you will know which addon is causing the issue.
If no, restarting with addons disabled did not help then you need to test whether the anti-virus.firewall software is causing the problem. Disable the anti-virus.firewall software and then close, wait and restart Thunderbird.
Did Thunderbird start ok with this disabled ? If yes, then see if the anti-virus.firewall software can be set to run, but not scan any incoming or outgoing mail. You may find some useful info here under 'email' section: http://help.gdatasoftware.com/b2c/GDIS/2015/en/223554.htm
Perform these two checks and report back on results.