After installing Tbird on my new Surface Pro 3, mail in my In-Box deletes after 3 days despite confirming all settings are correct.
The questions says it all really, however, I have two computers with Tbird installed. One PC uses Windows XP and I have never had this problem in all the years I have used Tbird. Now, with Tbird installed in my new Surface Pro 3 for the past year, I find that mail in the In-Box seems to disappear after 3 - 5 days. I still use my Windows XP PC which does retain mail in the In-Box, which should prove setting are fine.
Nonetheless, I have confirmed again and again all local settings and remote settings at the server are correct. Nothing appears to be wrong - but of course something must be wrong. Is it Surface Pro 3? Is it it's OS, Windows 10?
Very frustrating! Any help gratefully received.