cant change my "sending" name in acct setting
the "from name" that appears in my sent emails cant be changed in acct settings , i change it but it makes no difference.
i use TB with outlook.com the outlook name is completely different
thanks if anyone can help
All Replies (11)
If you have an entry in your addressbook, I believe Thunderbird will use that to display it to you.
The recipient, however, should see what you specified in your settings.
I lack the time to test time at this very moment but I'd suggest using an external webmail account to test this.
hi in TB i removed my own address from the address book and sent an email through outlook,com server to my yahoo web-mail acct, and still saw my full name as the sender ,which i do not want
anymore ideas thanks
Check if your Yahoo account has an entry in its address book or other collected email addresses in it, remove it.
my address was in yahoo address book so i removed it. still have the problem thanks
Gewysig op
No gmail involved here?
Microsoft as usual are the culprit here. They ignore whatever Thunderbird or any mail client puts in the display name, they not only ignore it, they replace it with the display name you use on their web site. SO if you have told Microsoft your name is Bruce, then Bruce it is. They will make sure on your behalf that you do not make a mistake and use something else like your full name.
Likewise the sending email address is also replaced, so if you read anything about outlook alias's ignore it. They only work if you send your mail from their web portal. Any mail sent from a mail client will have the email address and name of the "primary" hotmail/Outlook/MSN/Live mail account.
I am not aware of any way to get around this stupidity but use a real mail provider like GMX instead. They assume you know what you want. Even gmail allows you to do pretty much as you want. Not Microsoft, they know what you want not you.
right, ive had enough of this i thought outlook was pitched at business users, 25 years ago i recall it was, i think
i need a server for TB, will probably never use the web mail. i also need 2 address . do u suggest gmx and if so are the any downsides to it/them
outlook have a new version or some changes available now, i may try it
i invariably dont need any feature including, chat and storage thanks m
Gewysig op
bill said
right, ive had enough of this i thought outlook was pitched at business users, 25 years ago i recall it was, i think
hey I used outlook back in the day when it only did text email and really was the most clumsy thing to do "internet" email from. It wanted to use Microsoft mail and then Microsoft exchange.
But none of that is relevant here, because outlook.com is Hotmail on steroids, but outlook the application is still a desktop mail client. It is a fine definition that you must maintain, When if you use outlook the application your name will sett be set to what ever the web page is set to, the same as if Thunderbird, mailbird, the bat or any other mail client sent the mail using SMTP.
i need a server for TB, will probably never use the web mail. i also need 2 address . do u suggest gmx and if so are the any downsides to it/them
It is not for me to recommend any of them. But; AOL/Yahoo are now under the Verizon umbrella. Yahoo has been flakey for years with strange spam decisions and a spam system that is not opt out. SO not a good choice for those wanting pop mail. They never see what yahoo thinks is spam. The merger with AOl who stuck to their AOL apps for years after they should have does not inspire confidence. Especially since the parent company has never had email in it's core business.
Gmail is the bi 100lb Gorilla in the room. They dwarf Microsoft these days. But their email offering is relatively painless ones you accept the oAuth.0 authentication process.
GMX simply offer a mail service and as a German company you get some of the protections of German privacy laws. Makes what the US consider privacy look like a toilet with no door. The downside is they are sometimes added to spam lists because they protect the privacy of their users. SPAMMERs like to hide. So the domain in the past had some issues with spam senders.
I will not mention outlook.com. It is the same product as you get with hotmail./live/msn or outlook.com email addresses. It is web browser based and has the unfortunate habits discussed earlier in this thread.
outlook have a new version or some changes available now, i may try it
Wasteof time. Any mail client that uses SMTP to send mail gets their emailaddress and display name ignored. In has nothing to do with the application you use to send the mail. It is what they do to it before they send it on.
The only provider I am aware of with the annoying habit of ignoring your display name and email address settings is outlook/hotmail/msn/live
thanx for all that, there's enough info there for me to make a decision i think.
can u tell me what this is pls: the oAuth.0 authentication process.
gmx sounds good but do u know if they STILL have any spam issues? [u say in the past]. this could be a big no-no for me
i did eventually find my wrong name on the outlook acct , i had entered two, should be ok now. thanks to both of u for helping
of and on today and several times before im getting outlook msg saying it couldn't connect to server to send mail , re enter password etc. is this a known issue?
Gewysig op
anyone know why TB keeps putting ebay mail in spam folder, i keep telling it its not spam
Tb collects my mail from outlook.com thanks