Thunderbird for Android and mobile OS
As many linux distributions are starting to come in mobile segment like ubuntu touch, sailfish os,pure os, mobian and most widely used android settled mobile OS...
pls provide email client for this mobile os like firefox android and ios already been started.
All Replies (6)
One person who is on council for election has mentioned it's about time this was looked into, but do not hold your breath.
Thanks for replying
Am adding my plea to that of the two contributors above. When oh when can we expect from Thunderbird developers an Android application for emails ? I read that the subject was under review, but how much longer must we wait ? Is there really a serious prospect of a mobile application in 2021 ? Any chance of an answer to this question on this site from "those in the know" among developers ? Hoping for an update ... for which thanks in advance,
Nothing has changed in the last couple of weeks and nothing is being worked on.
re Is there really a serious prospect of a mobile application in 2021 ? At this point in time, there are no funds for it and no developers with the time to work on it. So, the answer is no. But that does not mean in the far distant future things might change.
open-source & cost-free solutions. ( if you have freedom & gun to kill , then that is not "freedom"/"free" , that is reckless+backward+uncivilized+abuse. Civilized societies+beings applies+accepts restrictions for greater safety . Excessive power/money/ability,etc when concentrated/centralized in one thing/person/race,etc then it always have very-BAD/destructive/harmful outcome+consequences . History have too much such records. ).
android : you may use K-9 email-client, ( and you may use OpenKeychain , if you want to send/receive signed/encrypted/secure emails. ) ( do not use an app when that needs access into unnecessary Permissions, Log/History, Running-Apps, etc, then its spying on you (aka: STEALING from you . Configure android & reduce+restrict Permissions. ) ( use firewall . use anti-virus/anti-malware software to scan downloaded emails, do not use remote server to scan local files )
iOS(iPhone,etc) : use Apple's default "Mail" app or get specific email-client app for your email-service provider . for-example, if you use yahoo mail/email, then get Yahoo Mail email-client app for mobile OS from Apple AppStore.
( if you want to send/receive signed/encrypted/secure emails, you have to get a OpenPGP compliant tool, for-example: PGPro, etc, these type of tool can encrypt typed message (and decrypt encrypted message) using your PGP/GPG/OpenPGP key, then copy-paste into/from your favorite email-client in iOS. )
( do not use an app when that needs access into unnecessary Permissions, Log/History, Running-Apps, etc, then its spying on you (aka: STEALING from you) . Configure iOS & reduce+restrict Permissions. )
( use firewall . use anti-virus/anti-malware software to scan downloaded emails, do not use remote server to scan local files )
windows : email client: Thunderbird, SeaMonkey,etc,etc.
( and for OpenPGP/PGP/GPG based signed/encrypted message, use Thunderbird itself, or GPG4Win )
( use firewall . use anti-virus/anti-malware software to scan downloaded emails, do not use remote server to scan local files )
macOS : email-client: Thunderbird, etc.
( and for OpenPGP/PGP/GPG based signed/encrypted message, use Thunderbird itself, or GnuPG for OSX )
( use firewall . use anti-virus/anti-malware software to scan downloaded emails, do not use remote server to scan local files )
Linux/Unix : email-client Thunderbird, etc, etc. you will most likely have to use a package that is suitable for your distro (distribution) . you may also search via using your pkg management tool.
( and for OpenPGP/PGP/GPG based signed/encrypted message, use Thunderbird itself, or use GPG(aka:GnuPG). )
( use firewall . use anti-virus/anti-malware software to scan downloaded emails, do not use remote server to scan local files )
The short answer is no. IF it happens, it would be at least a couple years away.
This question has been asked so much it makes my head spin.