transfer data from old pc to new pc
I have downloaded latest Thunderbird on my new PC. I wish to transfer all my data from old PC to new PC I have copied the thunderbird Profile File onto a Memory Stick and then copied the file into the new Thunderbird Profile. I used your instructions on your help site to achieve this. However only the Address Book has transfered onto the new PC thunderbird.
I checked the old version of Thunderbird which is 91, and the new version is 102 which I wonder is why I cannot transfer the old versions Emails. Can you please help? I look forward to your reply, Michael Jewitt
All Replies (7)
Can you post a screenshot of the contents of the profile you copied? Knowing what you have will simplify helping you. Thanks.
Hi David, I have taken screenshots of the source computer Thunderbird files but they will not upload to this reply. So do you have any further suggestions. Michael
I know JPG format is allowed. Can you convert the photo to that?
Hi David, I have converted the file but it will not upload to you. Any further suggestions?
On the email sent, there is a button to upload. What error are you getting?
Hi David, on pressing the Add Images button and choosing which JPG file to send to you, it just keeps saying downloading, but nothing seems to be happening, although I have waited a long time.
However I have seen an Import function and have tried Importing the Emails chosen from the default file on my USB stick. The Emails from the old PC are now on the new PC Thunderbird. The only thing is now the original Emails are not now in the folders as original. But I wonder if these sub directories are not available to be Imorted. I have checked on the old PC and all the original Emails are now on the new PC but without the subdirectories. If these directories of the saved Emails are not available to Import into the new PC, I can probably now make up copies of the original directories, which will take quite a time but can be done. I will then be able to continuing Thunderbird on the new PC. Thanks for your help anyway, regards Michael
Did you import the profile or just email folders? Are the accounts there? You can email the screenprint jpg to me at davidtbirdhelp at gmail dot com I do not use that account for communications, but I use it when people have trouble uploading attachments.