Inconsistent, grayed out toolbar, whether safe mode or not
Since updating to Thunderbird Beta 112 and 113 (64-bit) on my Mac, I've noticed that the customizable toolbar options at the top of the interface are often grayed out. The only way to enable these buttons is to click away from an email or folder, and then return to that item, causing the buttons to be enabled again. This random "disabled button" issue likewise occurs in safe mode.
Please refer to the screen shot for TB version number, toolbar area , and OS info.
Thanks ahead of time for any guidance or suggestions.
All Replies (5)
Please remember that you're using the beta version, which is expected to be buggy. Version 115 is anticipated to be released by mid summer and there is a push to get the new features in place. If you wish to participate in the beta, you may do so at https://thunderbird.topicbox.com/groups/beta Please also keep in mind that you cannot easily switch from beta to release version.
Thanks! It's a good reminder. I probably should have entered this issue as a bug, instead.
Also, thanks for the tip. I didn't realize that it may be problematic to move to the next official release version (115) from this Beta version. If it's not a matter of simply updating through the Beta version interface to 115, I'm guessing my procedure would be to download and install v115 when it is released?
I probably should have entered this issue as a bug, instead.
Take a look at https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1824018, this sounds like a similar problem to me, if not the same.
I didn't realize that it may be problematic to move to the next official release version (115) from this Beta version.
It's not. But it doesn't happen automatically.
If it's not a matter of simply updating through the Beta version interface to 115
It doesn't work that way. Beta 115 will update to beta 116 at some point.
I'm guessing my procedure would be to download and install v115 when it is released?
Yes, just stop using or uninstall beta 115 before it get's updated to beta 116. Install the 115 release version once it becomes available. If you do have any other versions of Thunderbird installed with their corresponding profiles make sure you don't mess them up. Always start a certain version of Thunderbird with the corresponding profile.
Thanks, Chris. Especially for the link to the bug issue which does sound like the same issue. In my experience, even if a top message is automatically selected upon opening the application, some items in the toolbar remain grayed out, that is, until I click away from that folder or email, and then click back to that folder or email. At that point, the entire toolbar displays as enabled.
Yeah, I think I'll be migrating to the latest release vs. the Beta versions, although I've been pretty happy with the Beta. It was only in the last two updates that this particular issue cropped up for me.
FWIW, there are plans for future betas to become both more stable and more "incremental" in it's changes - some time after 115. We'll know more in a few months.