Trying to get NordPass to work
I had NordPass working on my MacBook Pro, so that the little NordPass icon appeared when I had to sign in to a site with my username and password. If it wasn't in NordPass yet, NordPass would "watch" while I signed in somewhere, and then ask if I wanted to save that info, and I could say yes or no. But now I've installed NordPass again, and I'm not seeing the little green NordPass prompts. Where did they go? What did I do that caused them to disappear? I'm going to give up for the evening, but if you have any ideas about this, please share them. I will check back in tomorrow and attack the problem again, and will see your ideas then. TIA for any thoughts you might have about this.
All Replies (1)
You should contact NordPass support for issue using their software.