noise of google pacman stays even after closing Firefox
Today I opened Google.com and saw and heard Pacman. And the noise keeps on when I open another page or even close and reopen Firefox or restart my computer and Firefox
This happened
Every time Firefox opened
== I opened Google.com
All Replies (20)
I cleaned the cache. The noise keeps going on each time I open firefox. I don't know what to do, its amazing !
thx for your help
Same problem, even when the google page is closed!!...Help!!
I cleaned cookies an flash cookies and it does not help
Same problem. Arrgh!
The problem is not Firefox...it is Google...they are celebrating birthday of PACMAN...use anything other than google and the noise goes away...this is ridiculous
I got it on 3 PC's. XP and W7. Had to restore back to a point 1 day ago to get it to stop. On one machine I had to uninstall FF, then reinstall. This thing acts like a virus though a scan with AVG and Spybot SD reveals nothing.
im going crazy about this noise. now i hate pacman.
Just started tonight what is going on?
What THe FUck is with FireFox! PAcman voice! it is terible How fix it?! FireFox Mozilla Admins you are loseing your clients! i Am going to OPERA FUCIKNG MOZILLA!
I cleared all history and still had the problem.
I restored the system to a ten hours point I cleaned all the cache boxes and ran the antivirus
on windows 7
No result. It's always the same crazy fucking noise when I run firefox ?
now I don'k know what to do. It's just unbelieveable !!
im disapointed mozzilla... gonna uninstall u
use chrome..
It's a big hack from google in mozilla program and we can believe they hope a lot of us will escape to opera or chrome
I hate Google !!!
It's probably retaliation for draw mohammed day..
Same sounds sirens
Another thread with same issue with some suggestions
Disable coolpreviews Disable shockwave flash plug-in
Good luck!
Problem fixed!!! Download new cool preview at: http://blog.cooliris.com/
I thought it was a Google hack, but seems to be Firefox...
What can we do??
WTF? How is this possible?