Why don't Search Suggestions show up on my default firefox homepage yet they do on google's website?
By default, firefox set this as my homepage: http://www.google.ca/firefox?client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official (it doesn't show Search Suggestions when I start typing)
But at http://www.google.ca/ they do show up.
Well, I'm offering this more as a suggestion than a question because I know I can simply change my default homepage to http://www.google.ca/, and Search Suggestions should show up. But many firefox users may miss out on google's functionality without even realizing it, so I think this should be looked into. Otherwise I use firefox all the time. Great browser!
All Replies (1)
If you want suggestions then you have to go to the main Google page. The Google Firefox page doesn't have suggestions (and instant search) and can be used if you do not want those suggestions, just like the http://www.google.com/webhp?complete=0 page.