v3.6.13 update immediately broke iGoogle home page
This morning Firefox automatically updated to v3.6.13. As soon as this happened my iGoogle home page was effectively broken.
Specifically, all widgets/gadgets such as those for CNN.com, ABC.com news sites etc no longer work. Actually who they are from is besides the point, the point is that ALL Google widgets or gadgets are broken, the only working part of a gadget is the title. Nothing else that _should_ be displayed, is displayed.
Again, this happened as soon as Firefox automatically updated itself this morning.
What in hell is going on???
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I finally had my morning coffee and realized what was going on.
Specifically, the plugin Ghostery v2.5 was broken by the update, and disabling it fixed the Google gadget display problem.
Sigh.... I should know better than to post before having my morning coffee....