From the Download Window
downloaded StopZilla (SZsetupAv.exe) everytime I try to install error message cannot find SZsetupAV.exe the command line is correct. Why is this,I simply want to open the downloaded file. This issue is for all files I have downloaded.
All Replies (3)
StopZilla is fine for Internet Explorer, but it doesn't do a very good job with other browsers.
You'd be much better off with Malwarebytes free edition from http://www.malwarebytes.org/
Also, many of your plugins are out of date which potentially exposes your system to attack. I'd recommend you update the following a.s.a.p.
Flash Player: http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/
For more info, see Adobe releases security update for Flash Player
Shockwave For Director: http://get.adobe.com/shockwave/
Adobe Reader: http://get.adobe.com/reader/?promoid=BUIGO
See also Updates for Adobe Reader and Acrobat X brought forward
Java via Windows Control Panel | Java | Update
Thanks but does not solve the problem, same issue it ends up in the downloads box,click on it. Error Message - Application Not Found
Can you do this please.
In the location bar, type: about:config and hit Enter.
In the filter at the top, copy/paste the following setting: browser.download.manager.scanWhenDone which will bring it to the top.
Double click it to change it from True to False.
Close Firefox via File | Exit and then restart it again. Then go somewhere and download a file. When it finishes downloading, click the Downloads button and then right click the file and choose "Open Containing Folder" which should open the folder the file was downloaded to.