Wont stay on "Never remember history".
Ever sense I have updated to 6.0.2 My user names and passwords from sites have been saving when I exit Firefox and reopen it again. I didnt have this problem before. I know about all the settings in the Tool>Options>Privacy. Trust me been trying everything for a few hours. No matter what when I change something in there and then reopen Firefox it resets those settings and my sites Im logged into are still signed in. I want to Never remember history so when I exit Firefox I have to resign in. I know its from after the update. This is important so help. Thanks
All Replies (1)
You enter Private Browsing mode if you select "Never remember history" and "Permanent Private Browsing mode" will get check-marked.
- Tools > Options > Privacy, choose the setting Firefox will: Use custom settings for history [v] "Permanent Private Browsing mode"
If other settings have been changed from the default then "Use custom settings for history" will stay selected to indicate that.
If "Permanent Private Browsing mode" doesn't stay selected then check the extensions.