Foxtab still shows a blank window
I downgraded flash to 10.3, also tried the add-exception in flash for user/name/appdata/roaming/mozilla/profiles.
Still I am unable to see my open tabs in foxtab. Nothing seem to work.
One update and everything got messed up. Two computers now have this issue. Please help.
All Replies (4)
Its available it Right Top corner in your browser.
IF not make use of Firefox Addons
Nope that doesn't help.
BTW, That is well expected. Failure by the masses.
Update to 18.0.1 and give a try
FF was v18.0.1 Foxtab still not performing when opened. I did also add permission for flash content from user profile folder to run full privileges. Still nothing.
I miss macromedia, this would have never happened. Lately FF is proving more cumbersome than ever.
I had a previous backup of my profile, had that restored but still foxtab refuses to cooperate. Youtube and blog videos resumed to play though.
I am willing to dump foxtab, but i am just curious as to what have caused this.