Suddenly cannot send mail from Thunderbird
I use Thunderbird mail-client to acces my outlook.dk - account. It has run perfect for a period, but suddenly I cannot send e-mails !!
The error-txt is (translated from my danish version): Sending the message failed. The message could not be sent because the connection to the SMTP server smtp.office365.com timed out. Try again.
I expected that that a password should be entered before sending - but no ..... - only a long waiting periode and then the error-txt
Server-settings in Thunderbird are: IMAP-server: outlook.office365.com, IMAP port 993, IMAP-crypt.: TLS SMPT-server: smtp.office365.com, SMTP port 587, SMTP-crypt. STARTTLS, Auth: General password
This has troubled me for some time - help needed, thanks.
Всички отговори (4)
Try with these settings:
incoming IMAP outlook.office365.com, 993, SSL/TLS security, OAuth2 authentication, User Name = email address
outgoing SMTP smtp.office365.com, 587, STARTTLS security, OAuth2 authentication, User Name = email address
Enter the correct settings as above, remove the entries from Saved Passwords in Settings/Privacy & Security, accept cookies in Privacy & Security, restart TB, enter the account password in the OAuth window to allow TB access.
Hi, I have changed IMAP settings and SMTP settings etc. according to instructions above. Still sending messages fail. "The message could not be sent because the connection to the SMTP server smtp.office365.com timed out. Try again."
I have 3 different mail-account on my TB, and on start of Thunderbird I am prompted to enter password for the two secondary account - but not my primary outlook account !
I am rather confused !
First, make sure each account is sending on an smtp server that has the same User Name as the sending account:
What is the antivirus? If it's something like AVG/Avast, Norton, or any other non-Windows Security app, they are very often the cause of sending timeouts. Running Windows in safe mode, or removing (not disabling) the non-WS app, will test the possible effect of startup apps.
I turned off AVAST MAIL SHIELD and am able to send mails from Thunderbird. At sending first time in a TB session I am asked for my password. So far everything runs smoothly.
I think it will be necessary to have the shild permanently turned off; it seems not possible to have an extension rel. to TB in the shield.
Thanks for your comments and advice.