how do I use the print screen feature
I was trying to find a free print screen utility---printkey 2000, but I just can't seem to load that program any longer? It seems warecentral doesn't offer that program any longer, only printkey pro I guess? That being said, it was suggested I use the print screen button to capture the screen picture. How do I use that feature? Can someone explain, in simple detail, in how to use the feature so I can print out what I see directly from my computer screen, to my printer please? Thanks.
I was trying to find a free print screen utility---printkey 2000, but I just can't seem to load that program any longer? It seems warecentral doesn't offer that program any longer, only printkey pro I guess? That being said, it was suggested I use the print screen button to capture the screen picture. How do I use that feature? Can someone explain, in simple detail, in how to use the feature so I can print out what I see directly from my computer screen, to my printer please? Thanks.