How to put the URL-bar at a fixed position to the right of tabs ?
I have moved the URL-BAR to the right of tabs, on the same row, and reduced the size with a few lines in "userChrome.css". I want the URL-bar to be at a fixed position as far to the right as possible, so i get as much free space as i can for my tabs. I´m using FF 20.
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Did you try to place flexible space to the left of the location bar?
Hi !
No. Tried that after reading your reply, but no change. It shrinks and moves to the right as i add tabs, but the start position of the URL-bar is the same, it has not moved.
Sounds that you are using wrong code in the userChrome.css file.
You can set the max-width of the location bar and the search bar to force a maximum width of both bars.
@namespace url("http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"); /* only needed once */ #urlbar-container { max-width: 400px !important; } #search-container { max-width: 200px !important; }
That is the code i have in my "userChrome.css ". The size has changed. But it is is positioned immediately to the right of my first tab, i want to move it as far to the right as possible, like "right-justified".
That code works for me on Linux.
Did you check your extensions?