Can't recover cookies from cookies.sqlite.bak
Hi! I stumbled upon a big problem. I wanted to backup my profile folder, but instead of copying I started moving it in explorer. When I noticed the error I cancelled the operation, moved files back, but when I restarted Firefox I found it has no cookies it had, I lost auth on about every site. In profile folder I found a cookie.sqlite.back file. It seems to save all my cookies, so I tried to rename it into cookie.sqlite and launch browser. It didn't get it at all, no cookies recovered, the file was immidiately renamed back to bak, new cookie.sqlite created with a few entries (like before). I tried everything, no luck Than I installed FF 51 instead of 53 update and did the same trick. Than it didn't delete or rename my former .bak file! But it didn't take any cookie from it :( I tried to investigate what's inside. So in the .bak I see a thousand entries, ids are not consistent (3, 5, 10, 15...). The new cookie.sqlite has some cookies (why??) and ids are ok. So I took an old old backup. The .bak is empty there, the cookie.sqlite has a lot of info in it, ids are consistent. I tried to feed it to my firefox, no luck again! A quick note. In my troubleshooting attempts I cleaned profile but after replaced the files inside the folder with old ones, so I have exactly the same profile but in new folder Please, guys, there's SO MUCH info there, help me recover it all! Please!
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Nobody can help my cookies? ;(