I extracted tbird email via Visual basic but when i put the email in a new folder and try to open it with thunderbird it doesnt show up
I extract the email in thunderbird in vb using utf8 i create a new eml and put it in the local. The file didnt show up so i tried compacting the folder and it deleted it from the hard drive my guess it had something to do with the keys and status it was mark for deletion
X-Mozilla-Status: 0001 X-Mozilla-Status2: 00000000 X-Mozilla-Keys:
How do I set the keys? to remove all junk status and reset it off deletion .
All Replies (4)
Thunderbird keeps it's mail in MBOX files. are you putting your "extracted" email into an MBOX file. Is it the RD flavor of MBOX?
Perhaps you could explain what it is you are trying to achieve using an external program to mess with Thunderbird data. before you know it you might find everything corrupted as Thunderbird does not share access to it's data files willingly.
I went to the use of external software because thunderbird always Blow out. Just selecting folder to fast will cause this. in vb i create mbox compatible files basically read from From - to from-
I then extract information like from email address,name and to account and create a new mbox from that.
Like i said above some mail will show up some will be mark for deletion. I would like no mail mark as junk and no mail mark for deletion till i run Thunderbird again to take care of it
X-Mozilla-Status: 0001 X-Mozilla-Status2: 00000000 These are correct.
Note: X-Mozilla-Status: 0009 means marked for deletion X-Mozilla-Status: 0008 means marked for Junk
X-Mozilla-Status: 0009 means marked for deletion the file i upload is not 0009 but compact still delete it