How to remove duplicated entries in history only differenced by URI fragment
When navigating in some pages, specially in google docs, the browser's URI fragment (the part after the #) changes frequently for each page/header/slide, and all of them are stored in the history.
That behavior adds lots of entries in the history and also hinders the usage of the search functionality of the address bar (as all the duplicates are shown instead of shown only one and other pages). I want to keep one entry per document, at least in specific pages like gdocs where the "fragment" doesn't add any useful information and each document can have lots of them.
Is there any way to configure that behavior, to not save every fragment in the history?
To reproduce the above behavior (the same behavior happens in other pages, not only gdocs):
- Open any gdocs document with several headers, or a gdocs presentation with several pages. - Navigate all the document/presentation, and check the history. - Close the document/presentation tab/window. - In a new window/tab, use the address bar to search the document/presentation by the document name: several entries for the same document/presentation are shown (and if they are lots of them, no other different entries with same words are shown in the address bar). - Check also the history: several entries of the same document/presentation are shown (it could be hundreds for long documents, and thousands after seen few documents).
All Replies (1)
Hola, Este es el foro de ayuda en Español. Cada dirección URL es guardada en el historial, moverse dentro de las hojas de una planilla de google docs genera una nueva URL por lo tanto es almacenada. Si no almacenaría URL no sería un historial de navegación. Podrias probar algunos complementos de administración de historial para generar una vista según la necesidad: https://addons.mozilla.org/es/firefox/search/?q=history Luego compartir los resultados aquí para que sirva a otros usuarios Saludos