Why doesn't Quicktime Pro work in Firefox 4.x?
I recently upgraded from Firefox 3.7 to 4.0.1 and have discovered that although the Quicktime plug-in works (meaning I can use Firefox to play Quicktime movies embedded in a web page), Quicktime "Pro" functionality is not working (meaning I can no longer save the movie to disc when I click on menu tab on the bottom right-hand corner of the movie, next to the control slider). This worked fine in Firefox 3.7. Does anyone know what the problem is? I'm using a Macbook Pro i5 running OS 10.6.4 with Quicktime 7.6.6. Thanks!
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Finally figured it out the solution! (This only applies to Mac users.)
Firefox 3.x ran in 32-bit mode and Quicktime 7.x runs in 32-bit mode, so the two programs worked just fine together. The new Firefox 4.x, however, runs in 64-bit mode, so the 32-bt Quicktime 7.x plug-in no longer works correctly.
Luckily the fix is simple: just switch Firefox 4.x from 64-bit mode down to 32-bit mode. Here's how:
[] Close Firefox 4.0 [] Highlight the Firefox icon in the Applications folder [] Click COMMAND-i to open the Get Info window [] Click on the box marked: OPEN IN 32-BIT MODE and close the window [] Launch Firefox
You can now save Quicktime files as before, assuming you have Quicktime Pro.
[] After closing Firefox, you can un-check the OPEN IN 32-BIT MODE box so Firefox will once again run in 64-bit mode.