How to use older Firefox menu icon size, without using previous version?
With the new Firefox update, comes a very nasty surprise. The menu icons are microscopic and I hate them. A lot. I am incensed that this would change without any way to make them the previous default size. I don't know whose bright idea this was, but it sucks.
View > Toolbars > Customize > Use small icons is UNchecked.
All Replies (2)
I was a little surprised, too, but compared with Firefox 13, I don't think they're a whole lot smaller. Perhaps it depends on your monitor resolution.
There are all sorts of way to reshape the appearance of Firefox's toolbars. These include themes and add-ons, of which I am sure there are many with the goal of improving accessibility.
If you just want to multiply the size of the existing icons, a style rule might be simplest. If no one comes by in the near future to post a suggestion, I'll try to develop one after hours.
That looks like a consequence of 3px padding.
- chrome://global/skin/toolbarbutton.css
toolbarbutton { padding: 3px; }
Placing this code in the userChrome.css file below the default @namespace line may help.
The customization files userChrome.css (interface) and userContent.css (websites) are located in the chrome folder in the user profile folder.
@namespace url("http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"); /* only needed once */ toolbarbutton { padding: 0px !important; }