如题 我使用关闭火狐时自动清除cookies 但是又想保留某些网站的cookies 有方法可以保留吗
比如:关闭时全部清除 而只保留youtube.com的cookies
start3214 দ্বারা পরিমিত
All Replies (3)
Let all cookies expire when you close Firefox.
- Tools > Options > Privacy > Cookies: "Keep until": "I close Firefox"
Make an Allow exception for the ones that you want to keep.
- Tools > Options > Privacy > Cookies: "Exceptions"
- https://support.mozilla.org/kb/Options+window+-+Privacy+panel
You can inspect and modify the permissions for the domain in the current tab in "Tools > Page Info > Permissions"
Make sure that you do not use "Clear Recent History" to clear the "Cookies" and the "Site Preferences" (Site Preferences includes the cookie exceptions)
Clearing cookies will remove all specified (selected) cookies including cookies that have an allow exception.
See also:
I want to clear all cookies just leave I want to
You give those did not teach
As posted above, if you remove all cookies when you close Firefox then you can't set an exception to keep certain cookies.
An allow exception only works if you let all cookies expire by default at the end of the current sessions.
The result is the same as with removing cookies if you do not have any allow exception set, but with an allow exception you will keep cookies from allowed domains.