combine saved bookmarks (.html files) and sort bookmarks
Hey, quick questions. FYI on macbook.
(1) I have a few .html files with bookmarks saved, is there any way to combine these into 1 giant .html file with all my bookmarks? Either combine the files or upload each bookmark file into one big file?
(2) An example of a bookmark of mines is: "Amazon.com: A Dictionary of Modern English Usage (Oxford Language Classics Series)…
Amazon.com: A Dictionary of Modern English Usage (Oxford Language Classics Series) (9780198605065): Henry Fowler, Simon Winchester: Books "
The first line is a click-able link (i.e. the website i bookmarked), the second is some description added by firefox. Is there any way to sort bookmarks (alphabetically or any other way)?
(3) Is there any way to delete the second line, so my .html shows just clickable links and not firefox descriptions (makes it look cluttered)
All Replies (1)
(1) - import all those HTML bookmarks files into Firefox to merge those individual files
(2) - https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/sort-bookmarks-quickly-find-ones-you-want#w_sorting-by-name
(3) - yes, that is possible by viewing the bookmarks.html file in Firefox and then running a bookmarklet to remove that data - save this code as a bookmarklet, and click on it to strip the code -- see if this strips enough for your satisfaction
If you aren't familiar with "bookmarklets", here is some background info.