shockwave flash causes ff v 20 to crash have latest adobe flash
I have just updated to ff ver 20 and it keeps crashing I get a message that shockwave flash is not working continue or cancel when I hit either, it causes ff to freeze so I have to close and reopen. I have updated the flash, and also reinstalled ff everything you suggested please help. This mainly occurs on facebook but has happened on other sights, I uninstalled all my adobe and reinstalled, also reinstalled ff manually. and have updated all Java
All Replies (11)
You can check for problems with current Flash plugin versions and try these:
- disable a possible RealPlayer Browser Record Plugin extension for Firefox and update the RealPlayer if installed
- disable protected mode in Flash 11.3 and later
- disable hardware acceleration in the Flash plugin
I dont have real player, disabled the hardware acceleration , tried to disable protection mode could not. Is there anything else I try everything but no it still does not work. Here are some crash reports,this is happenning on my laptop as well, I have read and tried everthing on the forum please help
Report ID Date Submitted bp-f5029922-cb24-42cb-a44e-0f1682130328 28/03/2013 2:14 PM bp-1ccec8f6-f192-427e-90d3-073c02130328 28/03/2013 2:07 PM bp-b22b667f-ff0a-48cc-8c80-f91a42130201 1/02/2013 10:27 AM
cor-el দ্বারা পরিমিত
Here is my laptop crash reports hope this helps Thanks
Report ID Date Submitted b3333d80-d18e-485b-85f5-550224561893 8/04/2013 12:24 AM 71762971-852d-45d5-b038-502165c2bd64-flash 27/04/2013 11:35 PM 71762971-852d-45d5-b038-502165c2bd64-flash 17/04/2013 11:35 PM 71762971-852d-45d5-b038-502165c2bd64-browser 7/04/2013 11:35 PM 71762971-852d-45d5-b038-502165c2bd64 7/04/2013 11:35 PM bp-ab3e9991-205c-4c19-a8c0-c27ff2130406 6/04/2013 5:23 PM bp-99a80144-b316-432d-ae3e-22f532130405
cor-el দ্বারা পরিমিত
I know this is going to sound very random, but could you keep Adobe's about page open in a separate window tab while you're browsing?
Three minutes after you close all pages that use Flash, several different software components unload. Then when you visit another page that uses Flash, they have to load again. By keeping one Flash tab open at all times, we hopefully could bypass issues related to this process of Flash loading and unloading.
This is the page I'm referring to: http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/
Thanks I will try this
Thanks but it did not work tried for a couple days but will keep going Thanks
in order to repair the issue with shockwave crashing you must install the debugger from adobe that was recently released ... Link provided below
scroll down until you see the system and installation type you have installed ... worked awesome for me =)
Hi konamocha, did you see any page explaining the difference between the "debugger" version and the standard plugin?
This page makes it sound as though it might not be the best release for the average user: Uninstalling Adobe Flash Player Debugger.
4/9/2013 – Updated debugger and standalone versions of Flash Player. These players contain fixes for critical vulnerabilities identified in Security Bulletin APSB13-11 . The latest versions are 11.7.700.169 (Win and Mac) and (Linux). All users are encouraged to update to these latest versions.
It stopped mine from crashing and this is the one that they posted for the 64 system
it did not do a complete install .. it just added components to the existing on my system
Thank nyou I will tryn it, I am using windows 7 but will try it. Thank you
Thanks but it did not work I still get the flash player is not working.