my google is in english chrome is in French cant disable cookies to load Firefox as i don't read French
I'm English I have UK PC windows xp running Google changing to Firefox I had to load Chrome Which loaded in French I live in France Firefox gave demo video unable to follow as Chrome gave toolbar in French with no translator and a different layout so couldn't take pot luck so can't load Chrome as French Can't load Firefox would load Chrome to get Firefox but not one without the other
All Replies (3)
I'm not sure what exactly is in French...
- When you are on Mozilla's support site, you can use a button at the top of the page to change your language. This typically will have a globe icon next to the name of the language (e.g., Francais). Please note that this navigates away from the current page, so if you are in the midst of composing a post, finish that up first or save the text in a Notepad or word processing document to avoid losing work.
- Google's language selection feature can be accessed here: http://www.google.co.uk/preferences#languages (or change the .co.uk to whatever site you're using)
Does that help?
Meanwhile, are you trying to import bookmarks from Chrome? There's an article on that here: Import bookmarks and other data from Google Chrome.
If you installed a French version of Firefox (i.e., menus are in French), you can install the English version right over the top of it from this page: http://www.mozilla.org/firefox/all/. There might be a few cleanups to do after that (e.g., dictionaries), but we can cross that bridge if we come to it.
The main Google website (www.google.com) has a link at the bottom to go to the Google.com domain. If you manually go to the google.co.uk domain, if that is the domain that you were previously using, then Google should stay with this localized version.
See also:
Could you please use some punctuation in your reply post as that makes it easier to read them?