Facebook like button does not work in my FF 32.0.2
Dear FF support-team,
I've got a strange problem with the Facebook like button (in German called: "Gefällt mir") on my site and after some trying around myself, I need your knowledge, as mine seems not to be enough. :-)
I have got a Facebook-Like button built in on my Wordpress-Site: See Reference: http://www.lifechange.at/kammel-scheck/ (at the bottom of the page).
When I try to click it and I'm not logged in to Facebook, he opens up the popup and asks me to login. So far so got, but when I log in and try to "Like", he just opens the popup and closes it automatically after half a second and shows no like.
When I open the "Like-Button"-Bar in an extra Tab (right click on Like-Button and select Current-Frame-->Open Frame in new Tab), then the Like-Button seems to work correctly.
I have already cecked against all installed add-ons (deactivated completely, tested, reactivated). Especially AdBlockPlus. But I have deactivated AdBlockPlus on Facebook and on my Domain lifechange.at.
Then I checked, if the Like-It - Link to Facebook was "https://" and not just "http://". That's also ok.
On every other browser (Chrome, IE, Opera...) the Like-It Button works fine.
And what's also interesting: the other FB-Button ("Share" ("Teilen") - Button) works fine even in Firefox.
So you see, I will be lost without your help, for which I ask politely.
Thanks a lot in advance.
Greetz, Hannes
All Replies (1)
Ahh, I forgot to mention: The "Google+" - Button also doesn't work. In all the other Browsers, it does. Thx, Hannes