Cannot send or receive email using Thunderbird, but can get it just fine on Verizon server.
Every time Mozilla/Thunderbird does a major upgrade I have a problem with sending and receiving my email. When trying to send an email, I get the message:
"An error occurred while sending mail. The mail server responded: 5.7.1 Missing or literal domains not allowed. Please verify that your email address is correct in your Mail preferences and try again."
Using my regular email password, I am able to get my email from the Verizon server just fine. It simply will not work with Thunderbird. Every time there is a major upgrade I spend hours and hours with Verizon techs with them trying to figure out what is wrong. Yesterday was one such day and we looked at EVERYTHING and no reason could be found for the problem. The tech concluded that the problem had to be with Thunderbird and that I should re-enstall it!!!! I don't have time to reinstall it! Somehow it has been fixed before but we don't even know how.
Please HELP!!
All Replies (20)
Could you copy "troubleshooting information (under help) Use the "copy to clipboard"-button and paste it in here.
I am not able to get the "troubleshooting information" to copy so I can put it on the clipboard. That button does not work at all, "copy to clipboard." The send it via email works but of course I can't use that.
This is going to sound crazy but where is the clipboard. I have used a computer for years but have never used the clipboard, although I have seen it.
Maybe it has been copying to clipboard but I just don't see it.
Thanks! Marcie
You do not need to know where the clipboard is to use it. Just display the Troubleshooting Info from the Help menu. Press the button to Copy all to Clipboard. Then come back here and paste that into a reply window. Either right click in the window and select Paste or click inside the window and press control+v for the paste shortcut.
Application Basics
Name: Thunderbird Version: 31.5.0 User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.5.0 Profile Folder: Show Folder
(Local drive) Application Build ID: 20150222233048 Enabled Plugins: about:plugins Build Configuration: about:buildconfig Memory Use: about:memory
Mail and News Accounts account1: INCOMING: account1, , (pop3) pop.verizon.net:995, SSL, passwordCleartext OUTGOING: smtp.verizon.net:465, SSL, passwordCleartext, true
account2: INCOMING: account2, , (none) Local Folders, plain, passwordCleartext
Crash Reports http://crash-stats.mozilla.com/report/index/bp-5d08a162-d682-42e4-b002-98dfb2140903 (9/2/2014) http://crash-stats.mozilla.com/report/index/bp-06b23374-e88f-4d7c-9aab-9d4dd2131129 (11/29/2013)
Important Modified Preferences
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Library Versions
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NSS Basic ECC Basic ECC
NSS Util
The server settings seem OK. I would check your firewall and see if it is blocking the new version of Thunderbird. That seems to be the common problem with version 31.5. Thunderbird should be set to Allow in the firewall.
Well, I must be totally ignorant!! In your very first instruction you say in the Norton Internet Security main window, click Settings.
I am not sure where the main window is but I have looked at everything and cannot find "settings" anywhere. I even searched on the Norton site, but I will go back and do it again.
OK, I finally was able to answer my questions above and I have found the "settings" icon BUT when I click on it, nothing happens. There is no drop down. I don't believe it is like the clipboard question, because I don't see any place I could paste it -- assuming there was something on it.
I am really, really sorry. I did sign in to Norton because I thought they might not put the information out there for someone other than the person who owns it.
I have the instructions you sent and just need your opinion on why the settings button does not work.
There must be a piece of the conversation missing. I see nothing about Norton in this thread. Is Norton antivirus installed on your computer? If so to get to the firewall settings do the following. Assuming that is what you are trying to do.
Click the Start Button Select All Programs Scroll down to Norton Security Suite and click that. Click Norton Security Suite in the menu that opens Find the Settings button and click that Then click Firewall Then Program Rules Scroll down until you find Thunderbird. It is in alphabetical order. Make sure Thunderbird is set to ALLOW
Yes, I finally realized that there are 2 of you responding and in very similar ways. The other person checked all my settings and said they are correct and that there have been some problems with Thunderbird and Norton so perhaps that is the issue. He gave me directions that are a little bit different from yours.
I do not have Norton Security Suite but Norton with Backup. I was able to follow your instructions using my Norton but then could not find Program Rules. Also, I have "Smart Firewall" if that makes any difference.
Sorry if its confusing with 2 people answering but the only thing I did was ask for information the rest is all Airmail. Trust him he is good. Just a tip; To turn of smart firewall read this: https://support.norton.com/sp/en/us/home/current/solutions/v64908971_NIS_Retail_2012_en_us
I am getting ready to read what you sent right now. One question, though. When I initially turn on my computer, I do get my mail and seem to be getting it most of the time. HOWEVER, nothing is able to go out. I get the message that it is "connected to smtp.verizon.net" and then it just hangs.
Do you still believe it likely is the firewall if emails come in but don't go out?
Nothing has worked. Still have the exact same problem that started with the upgrade of Mozilla/Thunderbird. No Thunderbird email goes out at all.
Not sure what I do now except figure out how to migrate to another email system. It appears that I am not the only one who has these problems after the upgrades, but I am nowhere!
Do you have a message stuck in your Outbox that will not send? If so maybe if you delete that things will go back to working.
No -- I just looked. One thing, the error message is slightly different: "An error occurred while sending mail. The mail server responded: 5.7.1 Missing or literal domains not allowed. Please verify that your email address is correct in your Mail preferences and try again."
Also, I don't know if this would make any difference, but in my looking around at everything, I noticed in "Troubleshoot compatibility" that it was checking compatibility with Windows XP although I don't understand why. On my previous computer, I had XP, but my current computer of over 2 years has Windows 7. Why would it say XP and how can I change it to 7?
Sorry to burst in: As Airmail suggested there could be a stuck mail in outbox. But that can be on Verizon, so please check that thru webmail. I know you checked your outgoing mail many times but check for extra periods or leading/trailing blanks. In addresses and in servername (smtp....) Who is your ISP (internet service provider) a few want all sent mail to go thru their servers.
XP, It is just checking if this program is old and should be run in XP-mode. If an old program was functioning on XP but not on win7 then emulating xp-mode will help the program to run.
I ran across this thread where toad-hall describes how to check the smart firewall settings. https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/1049859
this has caught people in the past with Verizon. If you have a Westell or Actiontec modem (except Actiontec GT784WG) you have to modify the firewall in it to work with current Verizon email settings. (Own goal Verizon)
If that is not you, I think the next step should be to restart Windows in safe mode and see if mail will send. There is lots of talk on this thread about firewall settings and Nortons, the easiest way to see if that is the cause is use safe mode to send a mail.
To restart the operating system in safe mode with Networking. Which loads only the very basics needed to start your computer while enabling an Internet connection. Click on your operating system for instructions on how to start in safe mode: Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, OSX
Oh nooooo! Of course I have Actiontec and it is not the number shown above. There are several numbers shown so I am not sure which one it is but none of them were GT784WG. What now? I do not believe this whole thing. This is my last foray with Thunderbird!
Use any email client that you want. If it is a problem with your modem, your email provider and the ports that their server use it will not matter what client you are using.
I feel sorry that you are having this issue. Maybe it is time to get some help from someone that understands the issues.
If you have an older actiontrec modem from Verizon, it has an internal firewall that Verizon set to block the ports that they subsequently chose to use for mail.
This is the Verizon page where they tell you of the issue with their modems that they supplied to their own customers. http://www.verizon.com/support/residential/internet/fiosinternet/email/setup+and+use/questionsone/124289.htm I suggest you contact Verizon and ask them about your modem and it's firewall. It may not be the issue, but it is difficult to move forward until that obvious issue is addressed one way or the other.