How do I enable multiple Google calendars from the same account?
I'd like to be able to access to different Google calendars from the same Google account in Lightning. Do I have to use ICS/caldav? Will the Provider for Google Calendar be able to handle this? I tried ICS and configuring the provider with no luck. What's the best way to do this? Also it would be sufficient to just have two colors for my events I'd just like to be able to differentiate between different types of events solely by color. Thanks!
All Replies (7)
I suggest you use caldav, as it is a standard method and the URL you enter contains the unique calendar id for the calendar in use.
Thanks for the response. Should I do caldav as https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/que.../1097284 here? I keep getting stuck at a lightning popup asking me to sign in to continue to lightning however when I enter my email and click the Next button nothing happens.
check in the option> Privacy tab that you are accepting cookies. They are required for the google sign in process.
Cookies are enabled... still no luck
What procedure should I go through for caldav? There is no caldav link in google calendar's website settings. The link I gave describes a way. Is this the correct way not obsolete?
I can't believe it took me so long to figure this out. I just used Lightning and Provider for Google Calendar. File -> New --> New Calendar --> On the Network --> Google Calendar --> Pick Existing Account then Subscribe to the Calendar I thought subscription would be automatic as part of calendar syncing but it needs to be done manually for additional calendars through the process described above.