Thunderbird 'Freezes' When Initially Launched (win10)
When I first start Thunderbird, it will 'freeze' almost immediately. After several minutes, the application resumes normal behavior.
I opened the Error Console, shut down TB and restarted it. The application 'froze' again and when it returned to 'normal' behavior. The Error Console displayed the following error message:
Assert failed: TypeError: getMinimonth(...).refreshDisplay is not a function 2: [chrome://lightning/content/messenger-overlay-sidebar.js:569] refreshUIBits 3: [chrome://calendar/content/calendar-views.js:313] scheduleMidnightUpdate/udCallback.notify
ASSERT chrome://calendar/content/calUtils.js:1021:9 refreshUIBits chrome://lightning/content/messenger-overlay-sidebar.js:569:9 scheduleMidnightUpdate/udCallback.notify chrome://calendar/content/calendar-views.js:313:13
While I am not a software developer, I do recognize that there is a problem with a function on the calendar (a feature which I do not use at all).
Might someone know how to resolve this and educate me, please?
All Replies (3)
> While I am not a software developer, I do recognize that there is a problem with a function on the calendar
Not necessarily. In fact, more often than not the function identified is not the one at fault
> (a feature which I do not use at all).
In that case, please disable calendar in Addons. Does your situation improve?
Please post an update to the topic after you test
VegasJoe seems to be gone. Locking topic