The color fills and boxes on all websites does not work (e.g. the blue on Facebook)
On all websites, the script seems to have errors. On Facebook, the blue box surrounding the title and almost all fills that are blue just do not exist. That means that where it should have the icons for messages and comments at the top of the screen are not there. On Gmail, none of the colors exist. Basically, there are no fills anywhere. Anything that would be filled in by colors or designs is empty.
This happened
Every time Firefox opened
== Always existed on this computer.
On all websites, the script seems to have errors. On Facebook, the blue box surrounding the title and almost all fills that are blue just do not exist. That means that where it should have the icons for messages and comments at the top of the screen are not there. On Gmail, none of the colors exist. Basically, there are no fills anywhere. Anything that would be filled in by colors or designs is empty.
== This happened ==
Every time Firefox opened
== Always existed on this computer.