seo quake not working on firefox 5
I've installed the seoquake version 2.7.2 on firefox 5 is showing on, but when I make a serch, the information ner come up,no feature at all below the page, what should i do?
All Replies (3)
Hi Guys,
OK help is at hand, its just hidden, this is what you do:
Normal Version.
(Top left hand corner of Firefox Browser -A menu should pop up)
1 Click the Orange firefox button
(Slightly to the right - Don't click! Or you'll miss all dat heavenly glory...!!!)
2 Hover over! "Options" in the popup menu
3 Now hover over and click "Add On Toolbar" in the sub menu
4 Now you should see the SEO Quake button on the bottom right!
Profi Version
Use the follwing key combo:
Zak Chen
The orange box no longer shows when I open my browser.
How do I move on?
-> Tap ALT key or press F10 to show the Menu Bar
-> go to View Menu -> Toolbars -> select Add-on bar
The Add-on bar will now be visible and your SEOQUAKE on/off symbol will also be available.
Check and tell if its working.