terminal server
Installation procedure for Firefox on Terminal server, can you send us a an installation procedure for Firefox on terminal server.
Do we need to change some settings.
All Replies (1)
Hello there, here is a good start
What I did was, I browsed to a users folder which I had already manually set the Homepage and installed the Add-On (Which is located at CUsers{username}\AppData\Roaming) and copied the Mozilla folder. I pasted it into a new account I just created, and pasted it in the same location (Even though the folder did not already exist) and it pulled everything across!!!!
What I did to fix any new users that hadnt previouslly logged on to the Terminal Server: I physically made an AppData folder, and inside that folder, made a Roaming folder, and then pasted the Mozilla folder that I had previously gotten from another user who was set up. I done this for the Public, and Default (which is hidden) folders within the Users folder on the root of C
So to be perfectly clear, inside the CUsers folder on the Terminal Server (Windows Server 2008 R2 x64), there will be all the users folder's who have logged onto the Terminal Server. There are also two defualt folders, called Defualt (which is hidden), and Public. Within these folders, I MADE an AppData folder, and inside that folder, made a Roaming folder. Then pasted the Mozilla folder inside that. Made two new users, logged on, pulled everything across
I am assuming that you already have a connection via Terminal to the server.
You need to download the .dmg first. Goto the directory in which you want to download the dmg file (command cd \PATH\TO\DIR)
Then enter this into the terminal:
curl http://mozilla.mirrors.tds.net/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases/latest/mac/en-US/Firefox%2025.0.1.dmg -o firefox25.dmg
This is the latest Firefox Release for OS X.
Then mount the dmg:
hdiutil attach firefox25.dmg
Goto the mounted dmg (probably under Volumes):
cd /Volumes/Firefox
There you can find the Firefox.app which you can now copy to your Applications folder:
cp Firefox.app /Applications/Firefox.app
To unmount the dmg:
hdiutil detach /Volumes/Firefox