why in the hell fire a guy for a personal opinion? Back to Google I guess
Why generate a web browser that premotes freedom; then turn around and fire a guy for his own personal freedom of thought? I thought Google was fkd up but you people just graduated above them..If you can't tolerate someone's views, then quit the bussiness of providing a web browser;simple as that.
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hello klingensmith, i don't know where you have heard that brendan was fired from his post - this is not accurate.
brendan made a personal decision to step down from his role among all this ongoing frenzy and mischaracterization of him as a person and the mozilla community, in order to avert any further damage to mozilla and its mission to advance the open web.
for more information on recent issues also see https://medium.com/p/7645a4bf8a2 & http://blog.gerv.net/2014/04/your-ire-is-misdirected/