Control de audio o reproducción de video con tu teclado

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Este artículo aplica a una característica que está disponible desde Firefox 81 en adelante.

¿Qué es la característica de control de medios?

Puedes controlar la reproducción de medios (audio o video) dentro de Firefox sin hacer click en el video o audio. Puedes ahora controlarlo presionando los botones de control de hardware en un teclado o audífonos, presionando el botón en la interfaz de control virtual o enviando comandos por medio de un protocolo específico, como MPRIS.

Esto depende en los desarrolladores de sitios web que usan MediaSession API.

¿Qué plataforma soporta esta característica?

Puedes usar esta característica en MacOS (OSX 10.12.1 o posteriores), Windows (Windows 8.1 oposteriores), Linux (distribuciones basadas en Gtk).

How are media control supported?

What kinds of media can be controlled by this feature?

Currently we only support controlling media playing from audio and video, so it cannot control media from web-audio, web-speech and Flash plugin.

  • If an audible media is playing from audio and video, then it’s able to be controlled.
  • If a playable media enters fullscreen
  • If a playable media enters picture-in-picture mode

What kinds of media can NOT be controlled by this feature?

Mediafrom web-audio, web-speech and Flash plugin cannot be controlled. There are some exceptions:

  • Inaudible media (silent videos that don't have an audio track, such as GIF-like images)
  • Notification sounds

If I have multiple tabs playing media, which tab would be controlled?

If there are multiple tabs playing at the same time, you could control the last tab playing media, unless you are playing in Picture-in-Picture mode. In this case, then picture-in-picture video belongs to would always be the tab that is being controlled.

Why sometimes when I press media control keys, it controls other apps but not Firefox? Or, other apps are also being controlled at the same time?

Each platform has its own mechanism for which applications control audio. In some cases, multiple applications might try to control the media keys at the same time. If this happens, try to close any other apps that are trying to control your media control keys.

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