firefox-browser (ff) + flash/container bug
hello and sorry for my english..
i have ff v32 + adobe-flash 15_0_0_152 on my w-vista x86 flash is disabled in about:addons (cant look flash vids on youtube, only html5)
1) when i start ff, i see only ff.exe in taskmgr, when i then close ff, FlashPlayerPlugin.exe + plugin-container.exe pops up in taskmgr for one second + disappear then together with ff.exe.
2) when i start ff new, i see only ff.exe in taskmgr, when i then kill ff.exe in taskmgr, nothing popup + ff.exe disappear.
3) when i then again start ff new, FlashPlayerPlugin.exe + plugin-container.exe pops up in taskmgr + stay there exactly as ff.exe, as long as i close ff. (but cant look flash vids on youtube, only html5)
someone has an idea why this is so, i mean, that's not normal.. thanks in advance
Všechny odpovědi (3)
Hi bertus, True, if you have it disabled it would not start up, however I am not sure if this is true for the plugin container. What is plugin-container may shed light on that. For Flash showing up in the task manager when it is disabled, is the preference changing in the addons preferences page?
I just tested this with the beta NAPI version of Flash player, do you have a standalone version installed?
For Flash showing up in the task manager when it is disabled, is the preference changing in the addons preferences page? no, its disabled
..do you have a standalone version installed? i go to: https://get.adobe.com/de/flashplayer/ and become an installer.exe as download, doubleklick it and all components downloaded and install and adobe website open and say thank you for installed flash.
in C:\Windows\System32\Macromed\Flash\mms.cfg AutoUpdateDisable=1 SilentAutoUpdateEnable=0 now i add a new line: ProtectedMode=0 and FlashPlayerPlugin.exe dont popup anymore. but it drops a 291 bytes settings.sol file in C:\Users\userAppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\macromedia.com\support\flashplayer\sys\
I dont know why all is so..
After a quick search, that seems to be the file that Flash stores its cookies in if that is helpful. For more information on this however, I would recommend also asking in the Adobe forums.