How can I copy Thunderbird emails to Thunderbird on another computer
I use T-Bird on my main laptop and regularly save the "Local" folder where T-Bird emails are kept. My main laptop just died and has been sent out for service. While it is gone, I want to access my old emails on my backup computer, without connecting to the server which would immediately download new email to the backup machine, erasing them from the server.
I have Thunderbird on the backup computer and have tried to "Import" from the memory stick with the saved "Local" folder. The only option is to import from Outlook Express.
I also tried to find the "Local" folder on the backup computer but can't find it. Maybe I have to set up T-Bird on my server before that folder is created (?).
I can open the "Local" folder on my memory stick and can see those emails, but the straight-text formatting is almost unreadable.
Is there a way to copy emails from the "Local" folder on my memory stick and open them in T-Bird? Thanks.
Všechny odpovědi (4)
Install this add-on. https://addons.mozilla.org/thunderbird/addon/importexporttools/
Looks good, downloaded and did installation, found the new Tools, but the item I need, "Import all messages for a directory" is grayed-out and unusable.
Maybe it won't work unless I have T-Bird connected to a server? That's just what I don't want to do.
Any fix for this? It looks like exactly what I need.
I made a dummy email account at gmx.com and set T-Bird to use it. Now the "import all messages..." can be clicked, it has me navigate to the folder with my old T-Bird messages, I select it, but nothing happens.
I have never used ImportExportTools, so I can't tell you what import option you need to pick. You may not be able to import everything in one step. The add-on author has a support web site, you may check there.
I made a dummy email account at gmx.com and set T-Bird to use it.
I'm not sure why you'd need a dummy account. You can always import into the 'Local Folders' account.