Why is my antivirus detecting mozilla as a very dangerous virus?
My antivirus detects mozilla as a virus, I downloaded and reinstalled mozilla several times with the same problem, detects it as a virus and deletes it directly, please help my..
Zvolené řešení
hi, "FirefoxUpdate.exe" as it appears in that screenshot is not a genuine filename that is used by mozilla as far as i know! it looks like thrid-party malware hooking into firefox.
next to the security software already in place, please run a scan with various other security tools like the free version of malwarebytes, adwcleaner & eset online one-time scanner.
then please manually delete the whole c:\program files (x86)\mozilla firefox folder and reinstall the browser from https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/all/
Přečíst dotaz v kontextu 👍 2Všechny odpovědi (12)
This is the screenshot of the virus error
When you can't update a program, get the full installer. Download Firefox For All languages And Systems {web link}
Nothing resolved, he tells me it's virus only as I download it I agree to download even if it signals it as a virus, install it, and after some time the antivirus automatically deletes it, and when I click on mozilla tells me that the file does not exist or it was deleted, this signalizes me To restart on pc
What is the security software you are using. You should contact them to ask if this is a false positive. Please give the full name and version of the security software and its support site. If they have a public support forum please report the problem the and let us have the link of the report.
Note this is a useful site to check
- VirusTotal: https://www.virustotal.com
- it reports the Firefox as being declared safe by anti malware companies link: https://www.virustotal.com/en/url/60cb109b3efdaccf0838fd88521b67649730bc2a683d3f7d652829832a32589c/analysis/1493450344/
- Note you may submit actual files. So please submit your Firefox installer file using the link https://www.virustotal.com/en/ then paste the link you get from them in to your next reply. I would anticipate it reports the file as safe.
- and another useful resource: http://www.techsupportalert.com/content/how-report-malware-or-false-positives-multiple-antivirus-vendors.htm
Are you using the full installer or a stub? Did you use the link I posted above?
I use Panda Protection antivirus, I uninstalled and mozilla downloaded it again from a link I received on this topic. After installation, the virus detected the FirefoxUpdate.exe file again as a virus but this time, mozilla is working normally, Excuse me for writing, but it's not my original language
We have translators, so use your own if you want. So is the problem solved?
Nu s-a rezolvat problema Fred.. acum 10 minute.. 15 maxim, mi-a semnalizat mai multe fisiere ale mozilla ca fiind niste virusi, si acum nu mai functioneaza deloc mozilla, Am apasat pe shortcut si imi zice fisier dezinstalat sau inezistent, initial am avut ca antivirus windows defender.. care .. acum 6 luni mi-a expirat licenta.. dar totusi imi spunea ca pot beneficia in continuare de scanare dar inafara de unele care se pot face doar pe varianta platita, si timp de 4-5 luni imi tot zicea ca nu gaseste nici-un virus, si m-am gandit ca e ciudat.. si am incercat prin alt antivirus respectiv panda antivirus, acesta imi semnalizeaza ca virus mozilla..
Poza cu semnalizarea
Zvolené řešení
hi, "FirefoxUpdate.exe" as it appears in that screenshot is not a genuine filename that is used by mozilla as far as i know! it looks like thrid-party malware hooking into firefox.
next to the security software already in place, please run a scan with various other security tools like the free version of malwarebytes, adwcleaner & eset online one-time scanner.
then please manually delete the whole c:\program files (x86)\mozilla firefox folder and reinstall the browser from https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/all/
Iti multumesc pentru informare, imediat am sa fac asa cum mi-ai spus, si intr-un inverval de 1 zi am sa va spun daca totul sa rezolvat, va multumesc pentru tot suportul acordat
Added Google Translation ~m
Thank you for your information, I will immediately do as you said, and in a 1-day inversion I will tell you if everything has been solved, thank you for all the support
Upravil uživatel Moses dne
Se pare ca de atunci nu am mai avut nici-o problema legata de firefox, am facut o scanare prin adwclear si a gasit peste 120 de fisiere infectate printre care erau unele si cu numele firefox si ceva adaugat pe langa nume, acum pare ca totul s-a rezolvat va multumesc mult pentru tot
Added Google Translation ~m
It seems that since then I have not had a problem with firefox, I did an adwclear scan and found over 120 infected files, some of them with the name firefox and something added to the name, it now seems like everything I've been happy to thank you for everything
Upravil uživatel Moses dne