more user accounts with the same login name on the same server
Hi, I found that recent update of Firefox is not compatible with multiple user accounts on the same server. The problem is that Firefox does not allow to store password for a certain page, but only for a server. Specifically, the problem I have now that the server is used by many different Journals (and I must have an access to more than 15 journals), but all require me to have the same login name (to be recognized as a special editor)! For logical reasons I do not want to have all passwords the same, but when I set a password for one journal, it overwrites all other passwords... The problem is that Firefox does not allow to store a password for a certain page, but only for a server.
Here is the example:
1 login: my professional email passwd: 123
2 login: my professional email passwd: overwritten to be the same - 123
3 login: my professional email passwd: overwritten to be the same - 123
How to cope with this problem? Thank you for your help. Best, Vladimir
Všechny odpovědi (1)
Do toho bych zapojil spíše autory Firefoxu. Tohle je jen podpora uživatel - uživatel.
Pokud to dříve fungovalo, možná by pomohl návrat k předešlé verzi Firefoxu. Odkaz ke stažení ti nedám, protože je tady v činnosti debil bot. Ale určitě si to najdeš sám.
PS: Aktualizace na verzi FF 82.0.2 by nepomohla?
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