Credit card autofill
Firefox has my credit card information and it shows up in a window when I go to pay for something, but when I click on the credit card I want to pay with, it won't autofill. In Settings, the box to autofill is checked. This has worked a hundred times before, but stopped working a few months ago. How do I get the autofill to start working again?
Všechny odpovědi (3)
Are you in the US? Can you provide the steps to replicate your issue?
I am in the USA. Every time, on any page or website that I need to provide credit card info, when I click in the box to type in the CC numbers/expiration date/CCV, a window pops up with my credit card information. In that window, I can scroll over the different credit cards, click on the one I want to use, and it SHOULD autofill into the box where the numbers would normally be typed in. Now, the window still pops up and I can scroll over the credit cards and choose one, but when I click on that particular credit card, the autofill doesn't work. Hope this helps- thanks for your assistance!
Did you ever find the solution to the auto fill issue? I have the exact same issue. Please let me know. Thank you!