The Way that firefox rendering stuff
Hi, i have problem with displayed info from firerox and particular website. The website is from installed from this app > https://www.paessler.com/prtg it is a monitoring software and info is in graphs and tails mostly. The actual problem is with missing last row in some views, i will attach some pictures for comperance with same view from chrome. Pic1 is my default view in firefox pic2 started to increase bookmark sidebar and decrease main view and last row is showing a little pic3 massive increased bookmark, info in main window is showing in big tales and info is there pic4 default view in chrome, all info is there.
Všechny odpovědi (1)
Since that is a login site unless there is another user of that site on here no one is going to see what is going on with a login site. You should also ask that site to use Firefox browser as login to see what other issue happens so they can know the issue as well.