iGoogle, ESPN, WashingtonPost, other websites display wrong
Websites won't display properly:
- 7 of my 8 iGoogle apps won't display at all
- ESPN website loads a text-only version with no images
- WashingtonPost.com does not display images
- "Older posts" button doesn't work on Facebook
- Other websites display images inconsistently
- Some blogs won't load at all.
URL of affected sites
http://www.google.com/ig, http://espn.go.com, http://washingtonpost.com
Websites won't display properly:
* 7 of my 8 iGoogle apps won't display at all
* ESPN website loads a text-only version with no images
* WashingtonPost.com does not display images
* "Older posts" button doesn't work on Facebook
* Other websites display images inconsistently
* Some blogs won't load at all.
== URL of affected sites ==
http://www.google.com/ig, http://espn.go.com, http://washingtonpost.com
Všechny odpovědi (2)
Started happening yesterday (6/28/2010). Till then it had worked perfectly. I saw ff install an update yesterday and looks like this caused the issue.
Also nytimes.com, guardian.co.uk (not main page but any story). Firefox 3.6.6