Annoying siren sound comes on when I open Firefox and won't shut off.
When I open Firefox, an annoying siren sound comes on that I can't disable. What do I do, other than no longer use Firefox?
This happened
Every time Firefox opened
== This AM
Všechny odpovědi (20)
Same issue here. Was ok this morning but now it plays as soon as I click the screen
I have the same problem, and cant make out, what it is, I have a windows xp. Antivir, rebooting, ....no difference.....:(
Does not happen in IE8, only Firefox
same problem. here. starts off as a video game then turns into a police siren.
It's Pac-Man's 30th Birthday today, and Google's homepage is a playable Pac-Man game around the Google logo. My boyfriend had the same problem, then I went to Google and was like Hey, it's Pac-Man! And then the siren started. He plays fine on my laptop, but for some reason the music is stuck on with his Firefox Start / Google Search page. Don't know how to fix it, but that's what it is.
i have the same problem.
vanishes after deactivation of CoolPreviews
Yes, it started when I first opened my browser this morning with the Pac Man music then went to the siren sound and would not stop. I disabled Cool Previews as suggested above and it quit. Maybe need to uninstall and reinstall Cool Previews or try to find out why it's doing that. Thank you Unbekannt.
same same
What could be causing this, it just started happening this morning. (Friday, 5/21/10) It's very annoying. Does anyone have any suggestions please?
Just started today and in essence can't use firefox because of it.
Same problem here on my Windows 7 pc. But when I disabled Shockwave add-on, it stopped. But, of course, now I don't have shockwave running.
This is crazy . Pacman music How do I stop it??
disable shockwave and it turns off
how to get rid of Pacman music?? someone please help
Had the same problem this morning. Disabled Cool Previews and it stopped. I don't really give a rats rear end about my own birthday let alone Pacmans. Come on Google!!
Thanks Unbekannt. CoolPreviews add-on is the issue... not Firefox! If you disable CoolPreviews add-on the music will stop. Disable the add-on as follows:
1. Click on Tools and then Add-ons 2. Add-ons window opens 3. Choose Extensions 4. Highlight CoolPreviews 5. Click Disable 6. Restart Firefox
I disabled cool previews and its still on! horrible!
same siren in my computer just today 21 of may 10 is this some kind of virus????