plugin-container.exe : what is it, why is it necessary, can I delete it
Please start a new thread http://support.mozilla.com/tiki-view_forum.php?locale=en-US&forumId=1&openpost=1 -FF4L
I have another kind of problem with Firefox
What is it, Why is it necessary, Can I delete it
This happened
Every time Firefox opened
Today 6/22/2010, when Firefox updated to 3.6.4 GTB7.0
Troubleshooting information
Closed it via Task Manager
Firefox version
Operating system
Windows XP
User Agent
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100611 Firefox/3.6.4 GTB7.0
Plugins installed
- -BitTorrent Plugin 1
- 1.9.0009.1
- Java(TM) Platform SE binary
- DivX Web Player version
- npdivxplayerplugin
- Adobe PDF Plug-In For Firefox and Netscape "9.3.2"
- Default Plug-in
- Google Update
- Shockwave Flash 10.1 r53
- RealJukebox Netscape Plugin
- Windows Multimedia Services DRM Store Plug-In
- ~Mirage Plugin for Visual Mirage Projects
- Java Plug-in 1.6.0_11 for Netscape Navigator (DLL Helper)
- The QuickTime Plugin allows you to view a wide variety of multimedia content in Web pages. For more information, visit the QuickTime Web site.
- Npdsplay dll
Všechny odpovědi (20)
Probably well-intentioned but I'm switching to Opera until this plugin-container.exe is removed.
Same as everyone else.
I used to love Firefox but you get what you pay for. Using it reminds me of a little old lady who has to apply 15 different creams and potions before she can go outside for the day. I have to tweak, twist, kill, delete, plug, unplug, search, edit, poke and scream before I can get Firefox to even allow me to come here and complain.
I know no one screws up on purpose but you should have a rapid response team for those days when FF bombs big time AND, how the hell could you have not seen this problem when Beta testing?!?!
As I keep running Firefox, it sometimes just crashes all out of nowhere! Mostly after about 10 minutes, it shuts down as soon asI open a different page or open a link. After that, it shows me something about that plugin-container.exe to be the source, because my OS gives me the message that it had an error an if I wanna send a message regarding the problem, but hell no! I ain't gonna send ANYTHING to them! Is there any way to restore the previous Firefox Version?
plugin-container.exe is hogging all my cpu usage. i thought i had a virus or mal ware when i looked and saw this new program running in windows task manager called plugin-container.exe. i've been a long time mozilla firefox user but if this is new firefox then I'm going Google Chrome or worse back to IE.
Mozilla, this plug-in container has a far too large memory footprint. Please advise on this.
I checked my plugins at http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/plugincheck/, updated a couple, now everything works fine.
This forum posting has instructions about how to disable the Plugin Container for Flash: https://support.mozilla.com/en-US/forum/1/706123#threadId706192
If you still having trouble with the Flash plugin and/or Firefox 3.6.4, Firefox 3.6.6 has just been released to address the issue. Try updating.
I used to use IE for years and years and I had grown very used to it and even enjoyed it. Then a few months back, I bought this laptop and it had FF already installed, so I tried it out because people seemed to prefer it. Much to my surprise, I preferred it too, and even switched to it permanently (or so I thought).
Now with this plugin-container.exe bull, it runs like hell and IE is now 3 times as fast. IE used to take up alot more memory than FF but not anymore; especially with this new plugin-container.exe.
I guess its time to go back to IE. I see that alot of people here are using Chrome now. Maybe its time I gave that a try. All I know is I'm done with FF unless I hear some amazing things about it in the future.
Its actually even gotten to the point where once plugin-container.exe is running, my laptop comes to a complete standstill where I can't even move the mouse and the clock in the bottom corner stops entirely. At that point the only way to even shut my laptop down is to remove the battery which can't be good for its health.
yup this is really really bad programming. First off using exe type files is not a good practice since it is executing machine language in process that is based on a hackable flash program. Now if u have a bad update you might have problems. Such as now I cannot update the flash on IE Active X. I am not a newbie and no sh1t. First off this is the worst update that Firefox has ever produced. Second, nobody is gonna use this crap anymore if it's not fixed quickly. Third I am rolling back my browser and turning off auto updates. Actually gonna uninstall FF and then uninstall all flash programs. After that install IE flash, hoping that will fix the conflict. Then install old FF and latest non-IE flash. But this is a lot of work for one stupid update that makes this program (firefox) now completely slow as our government. I think the ppl that say it's the users computers have no information to go by and should ask questions to the user's of the program of what they actually know. Instead many replies here are just lame.
Without the drama. I chose Firefox over IE because it doesn't crash and, whilst it is a RAM hog, the benefits were more than the pitfalls.. what happened?
Why does Firefox leak out memory end chew up 250mb of RAM and why does this plugin-container.exe use up another 110mb of RAM? Forget it, I will spend another hour or so finding a way to disable plugin-container.exe and if I can't I will go to Chrome, Opera or Safari.
Well I uninstalled Firefox 3.6.4 and uninstalled all flash player software IE and non-IE. I then reinstalled the IE flash at that point and it finally installed it correctly. Then I gave Firefox one last try w/ their latest 3.6.6 version and installed the flash for it... But the 3.6.6 has the same freaking problem! So uninstalled 3.6.6 and reinstalled 3.6.3 and it's running great. Screw Firefox if they keep using the plugin-container.exe crap! For now I am happy to use their last browser 3.6.3 that actually works.
Hello everyone.
If you're having problems with the plugin-container, make sure your Firefox is up to date. The latest version is 3.6.6.
If the new version still gives you trouble, it's possible that you are having a problem with some Firefox add-on that is hindering your Firefox's normal behavior. Have you tried disabling all add-ons (just to check), to see if Firefox goes back to normal?
Whenever you have a problem with Firefox, whatever it is, you should make sure it's not caused by one (or more than one) of your installed add-ons, be it an extension, a theme or a plugin. To do that easily and cleanly, run Firefox in safe mode (don't forget to select Disable all add-ons when you start safe mode). If the problem disappears, you know it's from an add-on. Disable them all in normal mode, and enable them one at a time until you find the source of the problem. See this article for information about troubleshooting extensions and theme and this one for plugins.
If you need support for one of your add-ons, you'll have to contact its author.
same issue, used to love firefox... container.exe resource hog!
das ist eine frechheit , was firefox mit 3.6.4 hier anrichtet , von wegen nur bei facebook , es stürzen alle ab , ändert das endlich wieder
Please read this post before saying you have a problem, and if you still have the problem after following my suggestion, be specific about what happens.
Yup, crashed my netbook, watching World Cup this morning three times.... then it slowed down my desktop so that I couldn't surf or anything... My computer was working great before this... This really is just complete stupidity by Mozilla. Will this spell the end fo them?
I'm noticing more and more that Firefox is constantly having to fix their bad programming issues.
Plugin-container.exe is a piece of bad programming leaving us with no option other than to move to another browser because we can't disable or uninstall it without losing functionality that we had previous to this upgrade...
That is poor...