Firefox 32Bit won't start after Open Text NFS Solo 14 installation
After installing Open Text NFS Solo 14 on a Windows7 64Bit system Firefox will not open any more. The process starts and is running, but a window never appears.
Firefox will not open in Safe Mode. Profile Manager will not open. New Installations of Firfox hang in the tidy up process but work after the kill of the setup.exe
The nightly build version 6.0a1 64Bit works!
Všechny odpovědi (6)
Without wishing to appear sarcastic, I think you're stretching it a bit. Firefox 5.0 hasn't been released yet and you're already running the next version to that.
You need to be a bit more circumspect and not expect too much from a BETA version of Firefox which isn't slated for release for several months yet.
I think you didn't understand what I wrote:
All Firefox Versions don't work - except the nightly build 64Bit version!! So the nightly build for me is better than all the other release versions I tried out.
So for me it looks as if it's a problem of the 32Bit versions of firefox. If there was a 64Bit version of Firefox 4 I would have testet this one.
Upravil uživatel bmarx dne
Ok, then I misunderstood you.
I looked on their site, but it would appear login is necessary to access their knowledge center: http://www.opentext.com/2/global/customers/opentext-online.htm#kc
Did you look on there to see whether there are any compatibility problems with Firefox?
Good Idea
tomorow I will have a look if they have a service patch which solves the problem.
Today I bought another 4 copies of Open Text NFS Solo 14. My first copy was about a year old. The new copies still caused the same problems.
Then I discovered an OpenTextNFSSolo14x64_SerivePack4 in the service area which solved the problem.
Solved! Firefox 4.01 is now running again.
Upravil uživatel bmarx dne
OK, thanks for letting me know.