canno send messsages.
Er is een fout opgetreden bij het verzenden van e-mail. De mailserver antwoordde: 5.7.1 <jonghpde@online.nl>: Relay access denied. Zorg ervoor dat u de juiste identiteit gebruikt om te verzenden en dat de authenticatiemethode juist is. Controleer of u toestemming hebt om met uw huidige referenties vanaf uw huidige netwerk via deze SMTP-server te verzenden.
Cannot send messages with thunderbird by online.nl
Alle svar (1)
J said
An error has occurred while sending e-mail. The mail server responded: 5.7.1 <jonxxxxxxx@online.nl>: Relay access denied. Make sure you are using the correct identity to send and that the authentication method is correct. Check if you have permission to send from your current network through this SMTP server with your current credentials. Cannot send messages with thunderbird by online.nl
The Online smtp server is on port 25 with connection security = none, so you will probably be blocked ('relay access denied') on any network besides online.nl, e.g. a public or hotel wifi. Workarounds include using webmail when you're not connected to the online.nl network, switching to a mail provider that uses secure connections, or adding an account like gmail and sending through its secure smtp, but with your online.nl address (requires some adjustment of gmail settings).