Firefox creates too many processes in arch linux
Hi. About two weeks ago, I started having problems with firefox (it started about the time I logged into different device through firefox account, not sure if it's relevant). Few times, it took a lot of system resources and once it almost caused my computer to crash. Right now when I open firefox, it runs fine and does not take too much CPU or RAM. What concerns me though, is that when I open process viewer (specifically htop) I have around thousand firefox processes. Although most of them don't take any system resources, I would like to know what is happening. I use arch linux (I am sure it's up to day) with i3 window manager.
What I tried:
- pacman -Rns firefox and pacman -S firefox to reset it (I was suprised when al my configs stayed). I then tried to reset firefox through it's settings and even run it in the save mode/troubleshooting mode
- I checked dom.ipc.processCount and it is 8.
It is not caused by extensions, since reseting and save mode do not preserve them.
I thank you for your help in advance.
Alle svar (3)
Na zkoušku si vytvoř nový profil ve Firefoxu. Ten stávající může být nabořený. Pokud to nepojede ani v něm, zase ho můžeš smazat.
I already made firefox reset and used it without an account, before posting the question.
Při tom "resetu" byl vytvořený nový profil nebo nebyl? Já netuším, proč si Firefox či jiný program zabírá x procesů. Pokud o tom chceš vědět víc, kontaktuj autory Firefoxu: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org