pc mover firefox migrate
I have used pc mover to migrate my pc. when i luanched firefox my bookmarks were there but there was no pictures of the bookmark icons, only aftar clicking on the bookmark and refreshing did the image come.passwords and seached text are there too.Should i assume the profile was loaded correctly and the data is there.
Alle svar (20)
Hi nasaqww,
The only way to tell is to search around the profile folder and compare what is there. The icons were probably updating the file path of the images referenced. If they updated then I would think it is ok. If you notice any other issues we are happy to help.
I think it loaded the profile, as seached text bookmarks,ext was there.So is my firefox progressing from my old computer to the new one, so no data was lost.
i see that my download history only goes to may 30 2013, which is the date i did the pc mover.was my profile loaded
akso some seached text seem missing
I've never heard of PC Mover and chances are no one else here has either.
If you want to copy your Firefox data, simply copy the contents of your old profile folder into the new profile folder.
checked my firefox profile and i have a places.sqlite.corrupt with 30 may date.Did firefox not load it.im getting worried.My old seached keywords are not there also i can only scroll the downloads history to may 30 (the date of transfer) and not eairler.
but bookmarks were there, but with the images missing help how do i check.
Current Firefox versions no longer use the downloads.sqlite file, but use the places.sqlite file that also stores the bookmarks and the history, so any issues with the places.sqlite file will also cause issues with the download history. For bookmarks a possible workaround is to use a JSON backup to replace all current bookmarks, but for other data there is no other backup.
Afater i did the transfer, when i lounched firefox the bookmarks were there but with missing pictures. Now i see that some seached text is missing, also i can only scroll back to my history back to 30 may, the day i did the transfer. Do history and text get atuo deleted afatr a certian time?How can i check that my profile files were loaded. Is my firefox progressing from my old computer?
(added a space after the dot to prevent automatic linkifying - c)
Ændret af cor-el den
It is possible that there had been a problem with the places.sqlite file and that a new places.sqlite has been created.
This will cause the history to get lost and bookmarks are rebuild using a JSON backup in the bookmarkbackups folder. A JSON backup doesn't include favicons, so they are lost and you need to revisit a link to reload them.
the icons for the bookmarks make sense, how can i check if my firefox loaded my file?Do history get deleted after time, im not sure but i remember the history bieng there after lounching.what about the seached text and link icon colours.
some bookmarks pic still have not loaded afater clicking.
my saved searched text, also seem to be missing. Such as what i typed in ebay feedbacks also i remember visting a site cleverbot but it does not apear in the adress bar when i start typing. 1.history only goes back to may 30 date of transfer 2.old saved seach text is missing 3.bookmarks had no images afatar transfer 4.what happened is my firefox progressing?
What resolution are you looking for?
It sounds like your issues were probably cause by PC Mover, on May 30, 2013 - approximately 9 months before your first posting here.
As Gingerbread Man and cor-el have already mentioned, doing a manual transfer of your data from the old Firefox installation to the new one wouldn't have caused the problems that you are having.
Have you tried posting in the PC Mover support forum - http://forums.laplink.com/viewforum.php?f=20 - to ask them what might have gone wrong?
You need the formhistory.sqlite file to recover autocomplete form data.
See also:
- FavIcon Reloader: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/faviconreloader/
- Favicon Restorer: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/favicon-restorer/
guys what happened? My history as well as downloads only goes back to may 30 nothing from old computer, saved seached texts missing. Passwords are there, bookmarks were there but missing icons also new tabs icon missing. what happened can i merge the progress what do i do now.
You need to (re)visit a bookmarked website if its favicon is missing to make Firefox retrieve the favicon.
You can check for problems caused by a corrupted localstore.rdf file if there is a problem with the toolbar layout.
did pc mover transfer, luanched firefox and i see my addons,bookmarks(with no images), saved passwords are there. When i check my history now it only goes as far down to may 30th the date i did the transfer on the new computer and not before, also old saved seache text is also missing.one example cleverbot, which i have seached in my old computer, is not in my history or seaches.i realy don't know what happened as i have a vague memory that the history was there when i lounched afater transfer intially. i really don't know wat happened, how can i check?what do i do now?
i have my old computer, should i check the profile there?whys my history gone?
You can try to create a new profile and use a USB stick to transfer files yourself manually to that new profile folder.
- https://support.mozilla.org/kb/Recovering+important+data+from+an+old+profile
- http://kb.mozillazine.org/Transferring_data_to_a_new_profile_-_Firefox
You can use this button to go to the currently used Firefox profile folder:
- Help > Troubleshooting Information > Profile Director: Show Folder (Linux: Open Director; Mac: Show in Finder)