How to navigate and find Apps in the Firefox Marketplace

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The Firefox Marketplace offers you two ways to find apps, you can browse for new apps or you can search for them.


If you want to search for the name of the App that you are looking for you can:

  • From the home screen, tap on the magnifying glass search-glass and write your search keywords.
  • In any other page, type your search keywords at the top of the screen.

The search function allows you to explore apps using their name or specific keywords. For example, if you search for "game" you can find the list of all the available games.


If you decide to browse the Firefox Marketplace to see what's available, you can do so by selecting one of the 6 categories at the bottom of the Home page. Each of them will show you a list of apps that you can download.

You can reduce the selection of apps by taping on the "Filter" button and selecting the topics that you are more interested in.

It possible to customize the view to show screenshots of the apps or show more apps without scrolling. To do so, press the view-toggle button.  

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